Equipping students with leadership skills for life.

We believe that schools play a direct role in fostering student and community growth.


The Community Leadership Class (CLC) is a school-based project that is designed to support the social-emotional and learning needs of students. Through a series of life engagement exercises and relevant learning modules, students will engage with trauma-informed content and a community service project. The learning modules will help empower students to build personal skills around living in community, waging peace, and leaning in as leaders both in their schools and communities.


Materials for Learning

All participants will receive an interactive student workbook that is designed to be a life-long, learning resource. The workbook will include access to all ten learning modules as well as specific steps on how to use the life engagement exercises.


Support for Teachers

We provide extensive in-person, on-site training to help prepare our teachers to successfully engage with the Community Leadership Curriculum. In addition, all teachers will receive daily lesson plans that highlight student-friendly learning objectives, the context for learning, and scripted instructional delivery.

Throughout the academic year, teachers will receive on-going, virtual support.

Community Leadership Class

“The Community Leadership Class called "Open Hearts, Open Minds," really did just as the title implies! This class made me a better communicator. In conversations, I now listen to actually hear the other person and have meaningful dialogue, as opposed to listening in order to respond and making it about myself. It was a very humbling experience realizing that every person is doing the best with what they have and what they know, and that it's better to understand them where they are rather than trying to force your reality onto them! … A leader is someone who takes pride in apologizing, takes accountability, isn't too proud to say when they don't know, but will always try to find the answer, someone who responds in love despite the circumstance, and lastly a leader is someone who has integrity and takes pride in doing the right thing even when no one is watching!”

-Student participant